Thursday, 4 April 2013

IGNOU Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B. Sc. Nautical Science 2013

IGNOU Diploma in Nautical Science leading to B. Sc. Nautical Science 2013

Course offered
Bachelor Of Science - B.Sc

The candidate should have completed 10+2 with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with not less than 55% marks in PCM.

How to Apply
The application can be sending by a Demand Draft of the prescribed fee from the IGNOU address.
The application form also can be downloaded from the IGNOU website.

Admission Process
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the IGNOU.

Important dates
Entrance Exam Date
Form Issue Date
Form Submission Date
Result Date

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 100 0 68
Phone : 29535924-32, 29535062-65, 29534976, 29533647, 29535927

Tags: ignou Kolkata, ignou bed, ignou hall ticket, ignou mca, ignou hall ticket 2013, ignou assignments, ignou university, ignou results, ignou mba, ignou courses


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