Wednesday, 3 April 2013

AFMC B.Sc Nursing and GNM General Nursing Midwifery Entrance Exam 2013

AFMC B.Sc Nursing and GNM General Nursing Midwifery Entrance Exam 2013

The Armed Forces Medical College recognized by Medical Council of India.and AFMC is affiliated to University of Pune and recognized by Medical Council of India.

Course offered
B.Sc Nursing

The candidate should have completed graduation with 50% marks any recognised board/University with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology) and English.

How to Apply
The application can be sending by a Demand Draft of the prescribed fee from the Entrance Exam for AFMC, B.Sc Nursing and GNM address.
The application form also can be downloaded from the Entrance Exam for AFMC, B.Sc Nursing and GNM official website.

Admission Process
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the Entrance Exam for AFMC, B.Sc Nursing and GNM.

Important Dates
Notification of Examination: Oct/ Dec
Entrance Examination:
Conduct of Interview: April/May
Course starts: August
Written Exam:  February/ March

The Training Officer:
Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DG – 1A),
Min of Defense,
New Delhi –110001.

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  2. I had applied forB.Sc nursing.i unable to know whether my form is selected or not.kindly reply soon.
    Name-sangeeta murari
    Address- Adarsh nagar lalganj raebareli,up
    Contact no.-7753018696
