Wednesday, 3 April 2013

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Exams 2013

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Exams 2013 

Course offered

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Eligibility
The Candidate should have passed 10+2 for admission in graduation Program from any recognized Board.
For Admission in Post graduate program the Candidate Should have passed Gradate degree from any recognized university

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance How to Apply
The application form can be sending by a demand draft of Rs.410 drawn in favour of G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management payable preferably at Indian Bank, Coimbatore. 
The application form also can be downloaded from the G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management official website.

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Admission Process 
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management.

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Important Dates
Form Submission Date: June
Entrance Exam Date: June
Result Date: July

G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Entrance Address
Civil Aerodrome Post, 
Avanashi Road
Coimbatore – 641 014
Tamil nadu
Tel: + 91 - 422 - 2626206, 2626207.
Mob: + 91 - 98422 -21142.
Fax: + 91 - 422 - 2625188.

Tags: g.r. damodaran academy of management, g r damodaran academy of management coimbatore tamil nadu, g r damodaran academy of management coimbatore

1 comment:

  1. For making career in any of the field, there is Entrance Exams in India.But the toughest is the mba entrance exams in india .To crack the MBA exams students have to study hard and have all the logics. Thanks for sharing.
