Friday, 5 April 2013

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Entrance Exam

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 | Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Entrance Exam 
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing C-DAC set up Advanced Computing Training Schools (ACTS) through which it is currently offering nine different quality courses in diverse areas of IT of 100 plus authorized training centers countrywide providing 30,000 trained manpower every year. For admission to DESD, DSSD at CDAC.

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 Courses offered

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 Eligibility
The candidates should have completed B.E. /B.Tech in Electronics/ Electrical/Instrumentation/ M.Sc. (Electronics or equivalent)

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 How two apply 
The application form can be sending by a demand draft of the prescribed fee from the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing address. 
The application form also can be downloaded from the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing official website.

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 Admission Process 
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing.

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 Important date
Form Submission Date: July

DESD DSSD Exams 2013 Address
Anusandhan Bhawan, c-56/1
Ph.: 91-120 240 2551 -60
Fax: 91-120 240 2569
Sudeshna Bhatnagar, Mobile: 9818442633

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