Friday, 5 April 2013

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 | Christian Medical College Ludhiana Entrance

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 | Christian Medical College Ludhiana Entrance 
The Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India was the first medical school for women in Asia.   According to the Constitution of the Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society (Regd.), Admission to MBBS and other undergraduate courses of Christian Medical College, Brown Road, Ludhina is made through UG AWT entrance exam conducted by CMC Ludhiana. Admission for the NRI students is also based on an entrance test.

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 Courses offered
Bachelor of Science - B.Sc (Nursing)
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - MBBS
Bachelor of Physiotherapy - B.P.Th
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – BDS
Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery
Diploma in Clinical Pastoral Care & Counselling (DCPC)
Diploma in Pastoral Healing Ministry (DPHM)
DA - Anesthesia 
DGO - Obstetric & Gynecology 
DOMS - Ophthalmology 
DCH - Pediatric Medicine
DMRD - Radio- Diagnosis 
DMRT – Radiotherapy
M Sc Nursing
D M Cardiology
M Ch Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
M Ch Neurosurgery

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 Eligibility
The Candidate should have passed 10+2 for admission in graduation Program from any recognized Board.
For Admission in Post graduate program the Candidate Should have passed Gradate degree from any recognized university

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 How to apply
The application form by sending a demand draft of Rs.1100/- drawn in favor of Christian Medical College, Ludhiana Society to Registrar, Christian Medical College, Ludhiana 141008
The application form also can be downloaded from the Christian Medical College official website.

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 Admission Process 
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the Christian Medical College.

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 Important dates
Event Date
Start sale of prospectus: 
Last day to obtain prospectus by post:
Medical examination for B.Sc. Nursing: 
Orientation for B.Sc. Nursing: 
Last day to obtain prospectus from Federal Bank: 
Last day to submit application forms:
Counseling for BPT: 
Medical examination for BPT: 
Orientation for BPT:  
Last day to send Admit cards from CMC Ludhiana: 
Orientation for MBBS: 
Counseling for BDS 
Medical examination for BDS: 
Last day to receive query regarding admit card not received: 
Admission Written Test: 
Publication of merit list: 
Counseling for MBBS: 
Medical examination for MBBS: 
Orientation for BDS: 
Counseling for B.Sc. Nursing: 

CMC Ludhiana Entrance Exam 2013 Address
Christian Medical College
Ludhiana 141008
Punjab (India)
Tel: +91-161-5010809
Fax: +91-161-2610708

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