Friday, 5 April 2013

CABM Exams 2013 | College of Agri Business Management Entrance Exam

CABM Exams 2013 | College of Agri Business Management Entrance Exam 
College of Agribusiness Management (CABM), is honored as the first College in India accredited by AICTE and ICAR, New Delhi. Invites Applications for Admissions to Two year Full Time Degree Programs of Master of Business Administration (For Three Streams viz. Agribusiness, Engineers and Food Retail & Supply Chaim)

CABM Exams 2013 Course offered
Agriculture Business Management

CABM Exams 2013 Eligibility
The Candidate should have passed 10+2 for admission in graduation Program from any recognized Board.
For Admission in Post graduate program the Candidate Should have passed Gradate degree from any recognized university

CABM Exams 2013 How two apply 
The application form can be sending by a demand draft of Rs 800 drawn on Punjab National Bank (branch 4446) in favour of Dean, CABM payable at Pantnagar. 
The application form also can be downloaded from the College of Agri Business Management website.

CABM Exams 2013 Admission Process 
The Selection of the Candidate is based on Personal interview and written admission test. The Selection of the candidate is also based on the rules and regulation of the College of Agri Business Management.

CABM Exams 2013 Important Dates
Form Issue Date:
Form Submission Date:

CABM Exams 2013 Address
Dean, College of Agribusiness Management (CABM)
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology,
Pantnagar - 263 145
Phone: 05944-233884;
Fax: 05944-233533.233473:

Tags: cabm nmr, cabm Rutgers, capm study guide, cabs in India, capm exam, cabm India, cabm cbm, cabm isb, cabm pantnagar, capm certification

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