Friday, 15 March 2013

JMET 2013-2014 Joint Management Entrance Test

JMET 2013-2014 Joint Management Entrance Test

Joint Management Entrance Test is the full form of the JMET. JMET is the first step in the process of seeking admission graduate program in management offered by the IITs & IISc. Joint Management Entrance Test is only a qualifying examination.


Final selection in JMET depends on each institute's own criteria which includes Personal Interview, Group Discussion, 10th, 12th and Graduation marks, Work experience etc.



Eligibility Criteria of JMET 2013-2012

The Candidate should have passed Bachelor's degree in Engineering / Technology or equivalent, or a Master's degree in a discipline with 60% marks at least.


Candidates appearing for the final examination are also eligible to apply.


Program offered JMET 2013-2012

Master of Business Administeration (MBA)

MBA(Management Systems)-IIT Delhi

MBA(Telecommunication Systems Management)-IIT Delhi

Master of Management (M. Mgt.)-IIT Mumbai



How to apply for JMET 2013-2012

Online Apply

Application forms may be made by accessing the websites of IISc, Bangalore and IITs. candidate should pay the Application Fee through an SBI Debit Card or through a Demand Draft in favour of "Chairman, GATE, IIT Roorkee" drawn on any nationalized bank payable at 'Roorkee'.



Application form and information Prospectuses can be obtained by cash payment of Rs… (Rs. .. for SC/CT) from the GATE office of the zone or Selected Branches of the banks by JEMT The Application form also can be obtained by Sending DD of Rs… (Rs. .. for SC/CT) dawn in favour of Demand Draft in favour of "Chairman, GATE, IIT Roorkee" drawn on any nationalized bank payable at 'Roorkee'.


Pattern of examination of JMET 2013-2014

3 hours duration having 120 objective questions in Field of Communication, Logical reasoning, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation.


Test Centers of JMET 2013-2012

IISc Bangalore Zone: Bangalore, Hyderabad and Surathkal

IIT Bombay Zone: Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Nagpur and Pune

IIT Delhi Zone: Chandigarh, New Delhi, Jaipur and Jalandhar

IIT Guwahati Zone: Durgapur, Guwahati and Patna

IIT Kanpur Zone: Bhopal, Indore, Kanpur, Lucknow and Varanasi

IIT Kharagpur Zone: Bhubaneswar, Kharagpur, Kolkata, Raipur, Ranchi, Rourkela and Visakhapatnam

IIT Madras Zone: Chennai, Ernakulam, Tiruchirapalli, Thiruvananthapuram and Vijayawada

IIT Roorkee Zone: Agra, Bareilly, Roorkee and Shimla



Contact details

GATE Office,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,

P.O. IIT Powai, Mumbai 400 076

Phone : 022- 25767068, Fax : 022-25723706

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