Friday, 14 December 2012

IIT JEE 2013 Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination

IIT JEE 2013
Joint Entrance Examination 2013 or IIT JEE 2013 is the entrance
examination for bachelor courses in engineering in Indian Institute of
Technologies (IITs). Indian Institute of Technology conduct a Joint
Entrance Examination for the admission to its B-Tech and other courses
offered at the IIT Mumbai, IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Chennai, IIT
Kharakpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Roorkee, IT Varanasi and ISM Dhanbad.

Course offered:
B.Tech(4 years)

Eligibility Criteria for IIT JEE 2013
The Candidate should have passed 12th or equivalent with at least 60%
(55% SC/ST) marks in aggregate.
Appearing in 10+2 final or equivalent examination may also apply

Pattern of examination of IIT JEE 2013
Two papers of 3 hours duration each.
Objective questions from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
There will also be negative marking for Wrong answers.

Syllabus of the IIT JEE 2013
1. General physics
2. Mechanics
3. Thermal Physics
4. Electricity and magnetism
5. Optics
6. Modern physics

1. General Topics
2. Gaseous and Liquid States
3. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
4. Energetics
5. Chemical equilibrium
6. Electrochemistry
7. Chemical kinetics
8. Solid state
9. Solutions
10. Surface chemistry
11. Nuclear chemistry
12. Isolation/preparation and properties of the following non-metals
13. Preparation and properties of the following compounds
14. Extractive metallurgy
15. Ores and minerals
16. Transition elements (3d series)
17. Preparation and properties of the following compounds
18. Preparation, properties and reactions of alkanes
19. Concepts
20. Principles of qualitative analysis
21. Phenols
22. Preparation, properties and reactions of alkenes and alkynes
23. Reactions of benzene
24. Carbohydrates
25. Amino acids and peptides
26. Properties and uses of some important polymers
27. Practical organic chemistry


1. Algebra
2. Trigonometry
3. Two dimensions geometry
4. Differential Calculus
5. Three dimensions geometry
6. Integral Calculus
7. Vectors

How to apply IIT JEE 2013
Offline Apply
• The Application Form and Information Prospectuses Of IIT JEE
2013vcan be obtained by cash Payment of Rs. 1000 (Rs. 500/- for ST,
SC) from the designated branches of banks depending on the zone.
• The Application from also can be obtained by sending DD of Rs. 1000
(Rs. 500/- for ST, SC) dawn in favour of IIT JEE.
• Submit the Complete fill-up application from along with All
Required Document and DD to below maintained Address before the last
date of submission of the application from.

Online Apply
The Students may also apply online through IIT website by filling the
required details in the online form and sending the printed form along
with Demand Draft and other documents to specified IIT.
The Application from also Can be downloaded from the Website

Important dates for IIT JEE 2013
Important Date for IIT JEE 2013 is Not Declared, The Important date
for IIT JEE 2013 will available here soon.

Contact Details
IIT Bombay
Chairman, JEE, IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
(022) 2576 4063

IIT Delhi
Chairman, JEE, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas
New Delhi 110016
(011) 2659 1785

IIT Guwahati
Chairman, JEE, IIT Guwahati
Guwahati 781 039
(0361) 2692795

IIT Kanpur
Chairman, JEE, IIT Kanpur
Kanpur 208 016
(0512) 259 7335,
392 7335, 679 7335

IIT Kharagpur
Chairman, JEE, IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur 721302
(03222) 28 2102

IIT Madras
Chairman, JEE, IIT Madras
Chennai 600 036
(044) 2257 8220

IIT Roorkee
Chairman, JEE, IIT Roorkee
Roorkee 247667
(01332) 28 4272

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